Senior Care News

Home Care: 4 Benefits of Laughter for Your Senior

Home Care: Laughing more might be a way to help your senior. There are ways that you and other home care providers can inspire more laughter.

Home Care: Did you realize that laughing a little bit more could be tremendously helpful for your senior?

Laughing more is easier when your senior has a connection with you, other family members, friends, and with personal care at home. There are lots of ways that you and other home care providers can inspire more laughter in your senior’s life.


Home Care in Burlingame CA: Laughter
Home Care in Burlingame CA: Laughter


Can Improve Immune Function

It might sound impossible but laughing helps to release endorphins and other chemicals that your senior’s body can use to improve her immune system functioning. Reducing stress levels also helps the immune system to work better overall, and laughter definitely helps with that. This isn’t to say that your senior’s health issues will all be cured with more laughter, but she can improve her situation.


Can Help with Blood Sugar

There is some evidence also that laughter can help with blood sugar levels. This is likely easier for someone who doesn’t have completely uncontrolled diabetes, of course. But if your elderly family member has minor issues with blood sugar control, laughing more might help her to get the rest of the way to her goal.


Can Also Help with Overall Blood Flow

One of the best reasons that laughing more is so helpful for your senior’s health is that it helps to bring more oxygen into her body. That means that as blood flows through her body, she’s getting more of the oxygen that she needs. And she may find that blood flow improves, because of how her body responds to the increase in oxygen.


Home Care: May Help with Sleep

Because laughter helps with stress and relaxation, your elderly family member may find that she is able to sleep better overall. That happens because laughing helps to release chemicals that assist with pain and with reducing the impacts of stress. If your elderly family member deals with chronic pain, laughing more can help her muscles to relax, which is another factor in helping her to be able to sleep a little bit better. Being able to sleep better can help with all sorts of health issues, as well.

Enjoying more of the humor in life is so much easier for your senior when life doesn’t feel like a full-on struggle. That’s where personal care at home can make a big difference in her approach to life. They can help her with practical hands-on help as well as helping her to find the things in life that help her to laugh more.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in Burlingame, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care.
Call today: (415) 795-2203


Evan Loevner

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