Senior Care News

Holiday Shopping Tips for Seniors

This holiday season, let Senior Home Care professionals in Hillsborough, CA help keep your senior loved one safe and happy while shopping.
Senior Home Care in Hillsborough
Senior Home Care in Hillsborough

Holiday shopping can be a lot of fun for seniors. Going to stores with a lot of holiday decorations and holiday music can make shopping for holiday gifts a great experience and a way for seniors to engage socially. But holiday shopping can also be as exhausting as running a marathon. The stores are more crowded, the traffic is worse, and there’s a real threat of having packages and purses or wallets stolen. Seniors can use these tips to stay safe and enjoy their holiday shopping this year, without wearing themselves out:

Bring Someone Along

Seniors should always have someone with them when they’re holiday shopping. A senior home care provider can ensure your loved one has transportation and can shop safely. It can be fun for seniors to shop with a friend. Senior home care could help your parent if you can’t take them shopping due to work. It’s probably best that you don’t go if your senior parent wants to buy your holiday gifts on their shopping trip.

Don’t Carry Cash

When seniors are holiday shopping, they shouldn’t carry cash to pay for purchases. Using cards is less of a risk. Cash stolen is just gone; there’s no real way to replace it. The cards can be replaced if a senior’s credit or debit cards are stolen. Charges made without authorization can be reported to the bank and removed from their account. It’s safer for seniors to shop with cards during the holidays, instead of carrying cash.

Take Frequent Breaks

Shopping during the holidays can be overwhelming, especially for seniors with mobility challenges. During holiday shopping season, it’s a good idea to take a lot of breaks. Then, seniors can get something to drink, a snack to keep their blood sugar stable, and where they can take a few minutes to sit down and rest. Plan any shopping trips in areas like the mall or where there are shops and restaurants, so seniors can take a real rest when they need it.

Bring A Walker Or A Cane

Seniors who feel unsteady on their feet after walking should bring a walker or cane when they go shopping. They will be walking longer distance than they are used to when they are shopping, and they might need the extra support. Also, when they are in stores, there will be many people around who could jostle them or knock them over. A walker or cane will give seniors more personal space and prevent people from getting too close and causing them to fall.

Aviva In-Home Care provides compassionate and skilled in-home care. We are the Bay Area’s premier provider of in-home care services.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Senior Home Care in Hillsborough, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care. Call today: (415) 795-2203

Evan Loevner

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