Senior Care News

Senior Care: Best Core Workouts for Seniors

Senior Care: Having strong core muscles means that many older adults can remain more mobile and active. It can be crucial to their health.

Senior Care: Having strong core muscles means that many older adults can remain more mobile and active.

It can be crucial to focus on core workouts even if they do not want to move much. Senior care can help seniors live on their own and do small errands for them, but many seniors want to do more independently. One of the best ways to ensure they keep looking after themselves is by keeping seniors mobile. This means light workouts daily, including balance exercises, stretch routines, and core workouts.


Senior Care in San Carlos Hills CA: Core Workouts
Senior Care in San Carlos Hills CA: Core Workouts


A weak core can lead to back pain, bad balance, difficulty breathing and leaves a senior unable to stand for long periods.

All of this can limit how well they live on their own and remain independent. Seniors should be trying to work out a few times a week, and you can support them in this healthy habit. Senior home care can help take your parents or loved ones to the gym or other places that host local classes for seniors.

Help your seniors stay fit by ensuring they are remembering to eat every day, taking the appropriate medications from their doctors, and working out regularly. No matter what age someone is, creating healthy habits is crucial to living much longer.

When seniors first started working out, they may have learned exercises that are no longer considered good for the body. They may be old school and think sit-ups and crunches are the best way to go when it comes to the core. However, their bodies may not be able to handle those types of exercises anymore. Take a look at these core workouts that can help older adults remain more independent even as they age.


The Bridge

Instead of having a senior do 100 sit-ups instead, focus on helping them do the bridges. If a senior cannot do this on their own, they can use yoga blocks or even add a pillow underneath their necks. This is not a vigorous move, but it will help engage a senior’s core muscles and strengthen them. The seniors will start on their back and then lift and hold their lower backs and buttocks off of the ground. It is a very effective move for seniors to do.

Arm and Leg Raise

A senior can start out on their hands and knees for this position. Senior home care can help ensure the ground is soft enough for a senior or help them set up a padded area with a yoga mat to workout on. Once the senior is comfortable, they can raise one arm and the opposite leg, then slowly draw them in towards the center of the body. Once that is done, they can switch sides. The movements should be slow for the best effect.

Senior Care: Planks

A senior can do two types of planks to be effective for their core. One is to get on their palms and tiptoes, allowing their body to be completely horizontal. The other way is to stretch out their arms with palms directly below their shoulders and knees on the floor. They can lower down slightly to work the muscles. A senior care provider can be there to help spot your senior and to make sure they can get back up.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in San Carlos Hills, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care.
Call today: (415) 795-2203

Evan Loevner

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