Senior Care News

Celebrating Fathers Day With Your Senior

No matter what age your dad is, you will want to celebrate June 19th, Father’s Day with them. You may not be their young kids anymore, but they will always think of you as their babies.

No matter what age your dad is, you will want to celebrate June 19th, Father’s Day with them. You may not be their young kids anymore, but they will always think of you as their babies. Your dad won’t be able to throw the ball around with you anymore, but there are tons of other activities you can do with your elderly father. Check with their homecare provider to see if they can help.


Homecare in San Carlos CA: Fathers Day
Homecare in San Carlos CA: Fathers Day


If you can’t figure out how to get your senior to or from an event, it’s time to think about senior home care. These are specialists who offer help to elderly people so they can age in place for longer than they would alone. As your senior ages, their independence decreases, and senior home care can be something to help them stay independent for longer. Often, a senior will need an entire team of professionals and all of their family members’ support.

Sharing a delicious meal, participating in a fun activity, or providing a meaningful present are all excellent ways to demonstrate your affection for the significant guys in your life. You can take your kids to join in on the fun or ask your siblings to be a part of this day too. This will make it special for your senior. If you’re looking for some fun ideas, take a look at this list.

Go Fishing

This is an easy activity that isn’t too hard on the body. It not only allows you to have some time with your dad but will also allow you to catch and release fish. There are many places where you can rent canoes or boats to take on a lake. Go somewhere new and explore the area by boat. This can be something that lasts for an hour or multiple.

Visit a New Museum Exhibit

Museums often switch up their exhibits and your dad may have wanted to go see one. This is the perfect day to take them to walk around the new exhibit and let them get into something they are really interested in. The best thing about museums is that there are usually bathrooms, food, and spaces to take breaks from walking. It is the perfect place for seniors to go and a good way for you guys to bond.


Car Shows

Often, there are car shows around fathers day and it’s the perfect chance to take them to see some of the classic cars they love. You may be surprised to learn how much they know about their cars. Even if you’re not into cars yourself there are usually food options, games, and places to relax while looking at all of the cars. It can be fun for anyone.

Take Them for a Haircut and Dinner

If you want a classic way to say “I love you” nothing beats an old-fashioned shave and a haircut. This is a great treat if they can’t cut their own hair and don’t have a way to get around easily. This may also be nice if they have a hard time shaving on their own too.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Homecare in San Carlos, CA, and the surrounding area, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care.
Call today: (415) 795-2203

Evan Loevner

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