Senior Care News

Helping Your Senior Loved One Set Up Post-Hospital Care

After a hospital stay, your senior loved one may need post-hospital care to help ensure a safe and comfortable at home recovery.
Post-Hospital Care Berkeley CA
Post-Hospital Care Berkeley CA

If your senior parent was recently in the hospital because of a heart attack, fall, or a stroke, they may need more recovery time after they get home. When they no longer need medical care that the hospital provides but they aren’t totally back to being self-sufficient either seniors either go to a rehab facility or get post-hospital care at home. Post-hospital care is usually a better option for seniors because seniors recover more quickly when they are in a familiar and comfortable environment.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is helpful for any senior, but it can be especially helpful for seniors that are recovering after a hospital stay. A physical therapist that comes to the house can help seniors work on physical tasks like getting out of bed safely, walking around, and keeping their muscles strong as they recover. Physical therapy at home can help seniors recover any mobility that was lost during their time in the hospital.

Grocery Delivery

Your senior parent isn’t going to be grocery shopping anytime soon after they have been in the hospital. Grocery delivery makes it easy to keep the house stocked with healthy food and some treats and snacks too. A post-hospital care provider can help your senior parent choose the items they want to buy from a store’s app or a grocery shopping service app and then the groceries will be delivered to the door.

This is a great way to help your senior parent if you live far away and can’t be there in person to help with household chores. You can set up an account for grocery delivery for your senior parent.

A Pet Sitter

If your senior parent has a pet that requires regular care and feeding you can make sure that the pet gets the care it needs by hiring a pet sitting to go in and take care of the pet even though your senior parent is home. Pet sitters can walk dogs, change litterboxes, food cats, and give medications to any pets that need medication. You can also have pet supplies like food and litter delivered to your senior loved one and a pet sitter can unbox them and put them away.

Sending Household Supplies

Groceries aren’t the only items that seniors need after a hospital stay. You can also have necessary household items like toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning supplies, laundry soap, pet food, litter, and other household essentials delivered for your senior parent. When you send items to the home consider getting an inflatable hair washing tub to send. If your senior parent is stuck in bed and showering isn’t really an option an inflatable hair washing tub gives your senior parent the chance to have their hair washed easily and safely right from bed.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Post-Hospital Care in Berkeley, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care. Call today: (415) 795-2203

Evan Loevner

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