Senior Care News

Why Seniors Need Companions

Companion care at home is crucial for a senior's overall quality of life.

Companion Care at Home in Hillsborough CA As your senior ages in place, things become harder for them, they may go out less, and they may not see people as much as they used to. This can unfortunately mean they are an easier target for isolation and it is so crucial that you stop by to see your senior mom or dad. If you have an elderly family member determined to age in place they need to consider hiring companion care at home. These are professionals who will not only be a person to talk to, a friend to rely on, but also someone who can help them maintain a routine, the house, and their health. Companion care at home is crucial for a senior’s overall quality of life. You need to be visiting your loved one but here are some reasons why your senior mom or dad does need companions.

It Helps With Self Esteem

Things change as you age. You may not have experienced this in life yet, but your elderly mom or dad has. As they age they may stop doing things they used to do with ease, they may need help getting dressed, eating, or other things. This is normal but it can also cause them to lose self-esteem which is not good for their mental health. Companion care at home can help them with all of these tasks. On top of having this help, you need to show up, to be with your loved one because it will show them that you still care and support them. Having multiple people around showing them love in multiple ways can be a huge self-esteem boost.

Companions Help With Emotional Health

One of the main risks of aging in place is becoming isolated. Your parents may have given up driving which means they are confined to things within walking distance or they just don’t get out of the home very often. This means they are alone. You need to show up to be there for your senior but you should also consider hiring companion care at home for them. This means they have someone who is showing up to support them every day and they have a means of transportation which can help them get out of the house much easier. Your loved one doesn’t have to give up their life just because they choose to age in place.

Being a Companion Means You Support Them

Finding ways to boost happiness and emotional health is so important. When a senior has someone they trust and can rely on, it means they have found someone who can support them outside of their family. Sometimes a senior does not want to solely rely on family members because it makes them feel more like a burden but having a professional to rely on can be a lot easier for them. They may be more comfortable with companion care at home and asking for support in areas that feel vulnerable. Your loved one can live a high-quality life when they can rely on someone like a caregiver. You can show your support in other ways as an adult child.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Companion Care at Home in Hillsborough, CA, please contact the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care today at (415) 463-1400
Aviva In-Home Care provides exceptional senior home care in the Bay Area, including San Francisco, Burlingame, San Mateo, Hillsborough, Atherton, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Berkeley, Lafayette, Orinda, and surrounding areas.
Evan Loevner

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