Senior Care News

Time Management Techniques That Help Family Caregivers

Home Care Time Management San Francisco CA
Home Care Time Management San Francisco CA

It’s National Time Management Month! Everyone experiences days where you’re busy completing the day’s tasks, you check the time, and it’s much later than you’d expected. When time is continually getting away from you, it’s time to use time management techniques to claim some of the day back.

Plan Self-Care Time to Start Each Day

“Me time” should start your day. You need to take care of yourself, and the best way to ensure you take time for self-care is by making it the first part of your day. Get up and do something you enjoy while your mom is sleeping.

Read the news or a book while enjoying your morning coffee or tea. Do a Yoga workout or take the dog for a walk. Whatever makes you happy, make sure you do that first.

Build a To-Do List

Have three lists of the tasks you help your mom do each day, each week, and each month. Your daily list will include tasks like preparing meals, wiping down counters, and reminding your mom to take her pills.

Weekly tasks include things like changing the sheets, doing the laundry, and cleaning the tub. You’ll probably take your mom shopping each week,

For monthly tasks, you might find things like refilling prescriptions, taking your mom to the doctor, and paying bills. Sometimes, surprise tasks will appear and take priority, so thorough to-do lists should have gaps to allow for these unexpected tasks.

Set Reminders and Timers

Set reminders to ensure you don’t get off schedule. If your mom needs to take medications three times per day, set timers to make sure you don’t miss any doses. Timers also help you stay on track. If you’re vacuuming and have set aside 15 minutes to complete it, use a timer to make sure you’re staying on schedule.

Avoid Distractions

Don’t let distractions take up valuable time. Suppose you have a habit of spending too much time on Facebook. Remove Facebook from your phone so that you can’t access it when you’re at your mom’s house.

Ask Others to Chip In

Ask other family members to complete some of the tasks on the lists. If your brothers, sisters, and other close family members are working with you, you can all rely on each other to prevent becoming overwhelmed.

Hire Professional Caregivers to Help Out

If you have too much to do each day, bring in home care providers to help lighten your load. You don’t have to stop helping your mom, but use home care assistance to take over some of your to-do list.

Not only will you find it easier to complete everything on your list, but you’ll also benefit from having time for self-care. Talk to a specialist in home care assistance to get started.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional Home Care in San Francisco, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care. Call today: (415) 795-2203

Evan Loevner

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