Senior Care News

Why Is Your Elderly Loved One Taking Her Bad Mood out on You?

Senior Care in San Francisco CA: Having your elderly loved one take a bad mood out on you is frustrating to deal with as a family caregiver. Understanding why you're taking the hit can help.
Senior Care in San Francisco CA: Why Is Your Elderly Loved One Taking Her Bad Mood out on You?

Some days your loved one wakes up and has nothing but a bad mood to share with you. Have you ever wondered why that might be the case?

She Just Needs to Vent

Depending on your loved one’s health and how the rest of her life is going, it’s possible that she’s really just frustrated and needs to vent. Some loved one’s feel that their caregiver isn’t going to go anywhere, so it’s okay to vent that bad mood on them. This is understandable to a certain extent, but it still can amount to abusive behavior.

She Feels You’re a Source of the Problem

If your loved one doesn’t like decisions you’ve made or feels that you’re taking too much control, she may see you as the cause of her issues. This may not be accurate at all, but it may not matter to her. You may not be able to convince your loved one that you’re not causing her issues, so finding other solutions, such as counseling, may be helpful.

She’s Experiencing Side Effects from Medication

Some medications can cause side effects in your elderly loved one that affect her mood negatively. If you suspect that might be the case for your loved one, definitely make it a point to talk to her doctor about the situation. The medication may be the wrong dosage or it might be interacting with other medications.

She’s in Poor Health

Chronic pain or other health problems can be devastating to your loved one’s mood. It takes a lot out of a person to be dealing constantly with pain or with other issues. That can leave very little for your loved one to channel into a good mood, sadly enough.

She Doesn’t Realize She’s in a Bad Mood

It’s also possible that your loved one doesn’t even realize that she’s in a bad mood. She could be so used to how she’s feeling that it’s normal for her. Look for ways to try to change that for her.

Set some boundaries with your loved one. You don’t have to take the brunt of her bad mood. Set up a time with senior care providers or other family members and remove yourself from the situation for an hour or two.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring senior care in San Francisco, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care. Call today: (415) 795-2203

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