Senior Care in Claremont CA
January 1 through 7 is Diet Resolution Week. If you and your aging parent are like many people, you may have made a resolution to get on a diet and live healthier in the new year. This could be a
Use these tips to help you and your aging parent stick to your diets and get the maximum of benefits from them:
- Come to terms with it. A diet means major changes. Even if you are just trying to trim down on the fat and calories that you are going to eat, you are likely to realize that this is something you will need to think about throughout the day every day. Take some time to talk to your parent and come to terms with the changes that you will face and the effort that you will need to put into getting these benefits.
- Set goals. Goalsetting is all about having something to look forward to and being able to monitor your progress moving forward. Your goals for your diet do not have to just be about weight loss, though that is likely to be part of it. You might also think of goals such as having more energy, being able to do more physical activity, or increasing your servings of vegetables.
- Be patient. It is easy to want to see results as soon as you get started on your new diet, but it does not happen that quickly. Be patient and give yourself approximately 3 weeks to get into the rhythm of the diet. This is not only enough time to get past the most challenging part of the change, but also to show some changes. If you do not think that you have achieved enough results in this time, consider meeting with your doctor to talk about it and get some recommendations for moving forward.
- Be varied. Eating a wide variety of foods is not only important for making sure that your body gets all of the nutrition that it needs, but also for keeping you focused on your diet. Eating different foods helps you to feel satisfied and less frustrated by your limitations.
If you are concerned about your aging parent’s health or safety, or have noticed challenges, issues, and limitations that make you worry about their ability to live independently safely, healthily, and comfortably, now may be the ideal time for you to consider senior care for them. A senior home care services provider can be with your aging parent on a customized schedule to ensure that they get everything that they need to maintain their quality of life throughout their later years. When it comes to helping your senior live a healthier quality of life by supporting a better diet, this care provider can make a tremendous difference. They can provide safe and reliable transportation so your parent can get to the grocery store when they need to, help selecting the foods that are right for them, and even help researching and preparing recipes that fit with your aging parent’s dietary guidelines but also their personal tastes. This can help your parent feel more in control and enable them to continue enjoying some of their favorite flavors while staying healthier.
If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring professional senior care in Claremont, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care. Call today: (415) 795-2203
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