Senior Care News

Four Tips to Make a Caregiving Binder as Supportive as Possible

Elderly Care in Rockridge CA: A caregiving binder keeps everything you need in one place.

Having a caregiving binder can make life so much easier for both you and your senior. It’s a lot less likely that you’ll lose important information or feel unprepared for questions and appointments if you can flip to the right page quickly. Here’s what else you need to know about keeping a caregiving binder.



 Elderly Care in Rockridge CA: Caregiving Binder

Elderly Care in Rockridge CA: Caregiving Binder

Keep a Health Summary Handy

Depending on the severity of your senior’s health issues, it’s a good idea to have at least a summary of that information available. This could include information about allergies, about what health issues your elderly family member faces, and medications that she takes. The summary might also include a few key emergency phone numbers, like yours and her doctor’s.

You’ve Probably Got a Lot of Lists

As a caregiver, lists are part of what keeps you on target. You’ve probably got lists of names and numbers, people who can help with specific projects, and all of the various things you have to manage and do. Keeping all of these lists together in one binder can help you to make sure that you aren’t missing or overlooking anything when you need it most. As the information changes or needs to be updated, it’s easy to do that in a binder.

Consider a Checklist for Respite Care

One of the lists that you might want to keep could be a checklist for taking respite care. This can include everything that you need to know and remember in order to feel prepared for taking time away. You might also have a dedicated information sheet that you use just for respite care providers. Knowing that you can easily hand over all the information that senior care providers need in order to take care of your senior can help you to enjoy your time away.

Remember to Update Your Binder Regularly

Your binder can be a tremendous support for you, but if it’s out of date when you need it most, that reduces how helpful it can be. It’s a good idea to take some time weekly or at least twice a month to update your binder to make sure everything in there is as accurate as possible. Lists, especially to-do lists, probably already get updated daily. But little changes, like medication or a new health concern, might get overlooked if you don’t set aside time to include them.

When a caregiving binder really shines is when you’re stressed and in the middle of a crisis. It’s much easier to have everything right there in one spot.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elderly Care in Rockridge, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care.
Call today: (415) 795-2203

Evan Loevner

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