Senior Care News

Elder Care: Why Is it So Important to Protect Your Senior’s Dignity?

Elder Care in Los Altos CA: Doing whatever you can to preserve your elderly family member’s dignity is vital for her physical and emotional well-being.

Elder Care: Dignity and preserving your senior’s dignity is a huge part of being her family caregiver.

When you’re doing so successfully, your senior has the support that she needs to face whatever is coming her way. An elder care provider can help you with this.


Elder Care in Los Altos CA: Dignity
Elder Care in Los Altos CA: Dignity


She’s Better Able to Cope with Changes that Arise

Aging brings with it a variety of changes. Some of those changes may be ones that your senior expects, but others may seem to her to come out of left field. If she doesn’t feel that you’re supporting her as well as you could, that can affect her ability to cope with these changes in a healthy manner. When she knows you’re in her corner fully, that gives her the confidence that she needs to meet new challenges and transitions head on.


Her Stress Levels Are More Manageable

Stress is highly detrimental to your senior’s health, so anything that you can do that allows her to get a better handle on her stress levels is truly beneficial. One source of stress can be that much of her life is starting to be outside of her own control. This is even more stressful if her health issues are causing you and other family members to make more decisions for her.


She’s Able to Maintain Her Independence

Part of preserving your senior’s dignity involves allowing her to continue to handle the things that she’s able to handle on her own. Stepping in to offer help only when it’s truly needed allows your elderly family member to retain confidence, too. When she knows that you and others won’t just take over in specific situations, she’s also more likely to ask for help when she truly needs it.


Elder Care: She’s Less Likely to Self-isolate

When aging adults are feeling out of control, overly stressed, and generally terrible, they’re more likely to isolate themselves. This can lead to serious mental health issues, including depression. By doing as much as you can to preserve your senior’s dignity, her overall mental health is much improved and she is more likely to seek out activities and people that keep her socially engaged.

One of the ways that you can help you’re senior preserve her dignity is by hiring an elder care provider. She may not see it that way at first, but having a professional caregiver as part of your senior’s care team allows her to experience care assistance that only adds to her well-being without taking anything away from her.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring  Elder Care in Los Altos, CA, call the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care.
Call today: (415) 795-2203

Evan Loevner

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