Senior Care News

Benefits of Music for Seniors

Music serves as a therapeutic tool for seniors, enhancing their mood during tough times, with home care services offering additional support and guidance on its optimal use.
Home care providers can support seniors' emotional health by playing music in the home.
Home care providers can support seniors’ emotional health by playing music in the home.

Music is a tool that many therapists and doctors use to their advantage. It can’t fix everything a senior is feeling or going through, but it can help them through hard times and lift their spirits when they are down.

Keep in mind that if your senior loved one is dealing with chronic stress, they may need more help around the house from someone like home care services. These professionals can also help a senior figure out the best time to play music.

Here are some unique things that music can help your elderly mom or dad with.


Music Can Help a Senior Fall Asleep

Music and soft tunes are one of the best ways to get a senior’s nervous system to relax. If they have trouble relaxing before bed, home care providers can help get their seniors in a better state of mind by turning on low and soft music. This can be an amazing part of a bedtime routine that allows your loved one to relax before bed and may help them stay asleep for much longer than normal. There are even certain styles of music that are designed to help you stay asleep.


It Can Be a Nice Distraction

Sometimes, when a senior is having a bad day, it can be easy to focus on every negative feeling or every specific thing that goes wrong. A senior should try to do something else instead of sitting and dwelling on this stuff. Home care providers can turn on music and find an easy activity that will help distract seniors from all of the bad things they are feeling. Distraction is not always the best tool, but it can serve a purpose in the right circumstances.


It Can Promote Creativity

Music in the right setting can allow a senior to spark creativity. If your loved one is feeling stumped and searching for something to paint, write about, or make with their hands, turn on some music. This is an easy way to get ideas and thoughts flowing, and it can turn into an amazing outlet. Some people love to work on a project with soft music playing in the background because it helps them stay concentrated while keeping the spark alive.


Music Can Help Boost a Senior’s Mood

Listening to music, singing, or playing an instrument is known to reduce stress but also boost someone’s mood. When a senior can limit their stress it can also boost their mood. There may also be times when a senior is listening to a song that brings back joyful memories that they can share with home care aides or whoever is around to listen. Finding small ways to boost a senior’s mood while they age in place is something that should be a focus in their lives and in their care.


It May Help With Depression

Going through the blues is normal, especially as life changes so drastically as a senior. Soothing music has been known to help ease symptoms of depression. This may not be a permanent or long-lasting fix, but it can help a senior for a little while.



If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care in Menlo Park, CA, please contact the caring staff at Aviva In-Home Care today at (415) 463-1400

Aviva In-Home Care provides exceptional senior home care in the Bay Area, including San Francisco, Burlingame, San Mateo, Hillsborough, Atherton, Menlo Park, Palo Alto, Berkeley, Lafayette, Orinda, and surrounding areas.

Evan Loevner

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