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About Us

Why Choose Aviva In-Home Care?

  • A model based on family-centered care
    Aviva works closely with your family, throughout the care process, to make informed decisions about the services and support the client and family receive.

  • Highly experienced staff
    An expert management team that understands healthcare delivery, caregivers with multiple years of experience, and an organization focused on continual staff training & education.
  • Nurse oversight of care
    Utilize the clinical expertise of RN supervision to ensure that we deliver a quality experience, are compliant with physician orders, and are continually improving.


  • Private, San Francisco-based business (not a franchise)
    Our focus is on the wellbeing of San Francisco’s elderly residents – your community is OUR community.
  • Embedded Care Management
    We ensure optimal care coordination by providing 2 hours of weekly case management time (by our Client Care Manager) free-of-charge for each client.

  • Affiliation with a national network of home care agencies
    Member of The Seniors Choice, an organization that shares best practices, promotes continual learning/education, and develops service competencies within its network.

Hands-on management by owner
Direct owner involvement in the administration of care, and communication with families.

Aviva In-Home Care's Mission:

Our mission is to enable seniors to live independent and productive lives in their own homes for as long as possible. The Aviva team does this by providing services with compassion, employing the most experienced caregiver team in the market who work closely with our community-based medical and non-medical partners. We provide optimal care by working closely with families on care design, and carefully considering their suggestions for improvements to care. With an eye towards continual improvement, we also leverage the latest in healthcare technology to ensure consistent communication between Aviva and our client families, and between the client and community. It is also our aim to act as thought leaders and educators for issues concerning the health and wellbeing of our elders and others requiring assistance to maintain an independent lifestyle.

Our Core Values:

  1. Demonstrate compassion and empathy with our clients and families

  2. Always operate with integrity and honesty

  3. Be reliable and accountable

  4. Be creative and focused on improvement

  5. Be responsive to the needs of our clients

  6. See the glass as half-full

  7. Enjoy every day and bring that joy to our work
About Aviva In-Home Care in San Francisco, CA

Aviva's CEO, Bay Area Based and Focused

As a former hospital administrator, I launched Aviva with the goal of having a more focused, direct impact on the delivery of care than I could ever accomplish within a hospital setting. For me, the joy of running an organization like Aviva In-Home Care is having the ability to positively improve the lives of individuals needing customized care. As a passionate Bay Area resident, I know that many local seniors can benefit from new approaches to in-home care, that will bring them more connection to the community, and provide families with a greater sense of comfort that their loved one is indeed matched with an ideal caregiver. This starts by including the family throughout the care planning process, a key component of the concept of “family-centered care,” which has been adopted by top medical centers. A strong communication loop between family, the caregiver, Aviva management, and community healthcare practitioners is essential for ensuring that all the needs of the client are met. While this may not sound like a novel concept, it is not commonly practiced within the home care community.

At Aviva, we also use the latest in health technology to maximize opportunities for communication between all members of our client’s care circles. We utilize nursing oversight to ensure that we are in compliance with physician orders, and that our careplans are being properly administered. Lastly, we are a proud strategic business partner with the Honor Care Network.  Honor helps Aviva with its best-in-class client reporting technology (to keep our clients and their families well-informed), as well as with sourcing & hiring the industry’s best care professionals.

As owner of the business, I also promise to you my direct involvement in your loved ones care, and will always make myself available for feedback and improvements in our service. I look forward to working with you and your loved one on creating a care plan that is perfectly suited to the family’s needs. Thank you for considering Aviva as your care partner.


About Aviva In-Home Care in San Francisco, CA

F. Evan Loevner, MPH, MBA, CCA
Executive Director/Owner of Aviva In-Home Care

Aviva's Family-Centered Care Approach

About Aviva In-Home Care in San Francisco, CA

Family-centered service is made up of a set of values, attitudes, and approaches to services for clients with special needs and their families. Family-centered service recognizes that each family is unique; that the family is the constant in our client’s life; and that they are the experts on the client’s abilities and needs. Aviva works closely with the family to make informed decisions about the services and support the client and family receive. In family-centered service, the strengths and needs of all involved family members are considered. Studies have shown that health outcomes and levels of satisfaction are improved with this model of care. This is why this model is widely used at major health facilities across the U.S.

  • Understanding and respecting clients’ cultural traditions, personal preferences, and values, their family situations, and their lifestyles.
  • Giving clients and their families the opportunity to make choices about many aspects of their care and the care delivery process.
  • Involving clients and their loved ones as part of the care team, collaborating with agency management and other clinical practitioners to make optimal choices in the delivery of care.
  • Putting responsibility for important aspects of self-care and monitoring in clients’ hands, along with the tools and support they need.
  • Ensuring that transitions between providers, health care settings, and the home are respectful, coordinated, and efficient.